Interview with Phillip Larrea - author of "Loose Change" & "Scrapbook"

Youtube: POEHEMIAN POETRY: Phillip Larrea (Part 1)
Twitter: @PhillipLarrea
TS: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
PL: Honestly, at this moment I can’t say that I want to be a writer. More of a need to be “on the record”, so to speak. My viewpoint in both my essays and my poetry is off the beaten track, so I feel the need to put it in writing.
TS: How long does it take you to write?
PL: In some respects, a lifetime. I don’t so much as finish a piece of writing, as abandon it. I still tinker with things written 35 years ago.
TS: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
PL: I suppose my quirk is to be as brief and entertaining as possible. Some writers write first for themselves, then for the reader. I do it the other way around.
TS: When did you write your first book or poem and how old were you?
PL: My first serious efforts were in high school under the tutelage of Brother Philip Keavney. He would challenge us to write 500-word essays on the difference between ‘consciousness’ and ‘awareness’ or ‘being’ and ‘existence’. Heady stuff for a 15 year-old. I still use the same disciplines when writing today. Be interesting, cover the bases fairly, try to close with a memorable line.
TS: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
PL: I became addicted to exercise, though I don’t truly like it. I love to read just about anything. Right now I’m reading Thomas Jefferson’s collected essays. Before that, Stephen King’s “Dark Tower”. The most important thing is that there are cookies nearby- shortbread Girl Scout cookies, when I can get them.
TS: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your writings?
PL: I write almost exclusively out of anger and outrage, then disguise it with humor, so people don’t think I’m crazy. People often comment that I’m always smiling and good-natured. They will be surprised to read this.
TS: The Tri Cube in mathematical terms is 3x3x3. What exactly does that mean?
PL: I created this form to limit myself, primarily. I allow myself three stanzas, three lines per stanza and three syllables per line to get it done, so three ‘cubed’.
TS: Do you hear from your readers much? What do they say?
PL: Readers think that I am mostly funny, perhaps clever. Which is frustrating.
TS: What do you think makes a good story / poem?
PL: Freshness of subject and imagery. If the subject is love, sex or nature- the imagery better be extraordinary. Not much new under those suns. Also form. Even if it is made up. Form assures a reader that you have a method to your madness and that you didn’t just end because you ran out of ink and paper. My pet peeve these days, are poets who structure their perfectly good poems vertically instead of horizontally, for no apparent reason. I am more likely to enjoy a 10-line, 10-syllable poem than a 50-line poem with two syllables per line.
TS: What is your favorite book & movie genre?
PL: Epic! Good vs. Evil. Apocalyptic... with humor. Armageddon may not be the best movie ever made, but it is my favorite. Can’t beat “Lord of the Rings” for entertainment and edification.
TS: Can you tell me and your readers a little bit about the CD's “Loose Change” & “Scrapbook”?
PL: They are both chapbook-sized Spoken Word CD's, or put together, a modest full-length book of some 53 poems. About half are TriCubes. What they have in common, I suppose, is my fascination with random moments, snapshots, if you will, of events that, in retrospect, were far more important than they seemed at the time.
TS: Where do you get your ideas for your writings? What is your inspiration?
PL: Reading different subject matter simultaneously. It all gets swooshed around in my noggin, along with what other people are thinking and saying, until I feel obliged to respond. Cooking times may vary...
TS: As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
PL: President of the United States. I remember reading the biographies of our statesmen in first and second grade and thinking, the trajectory of human history is what it is because they lived. Not quite in those words but...Closest thing to immortality there is, as far as I know.
TS: Thank you so much for the interview Phillip! It was a pleasure for me to interview you, I think the reader of this blog will not see it in a different way! Its really entertaining! ;) I wish you all the best for the future and happiness for your life!
Youtube: POEHEMIAN POETRY: Phillip Larrea (Part 1)
Twitter: @PhillipLarrea
TS: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
PL: Honestly, at this moment I can’t say that I want to be a writer. More of a need to be “on the record”, so to speak. My viewpoint in both my essays and my poetry is off the beaten track, so I feel the need to put it in writing.
TS: How long does it take you to write?
PL: In some respects, a lifetime. I don’t so much as finish a piece of writing, as abandon it. I still tinker with things written 35 years ago.
TS: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
PL: I suppose my quirk is to be as brief and entertaining as possible. Some writers write first for themselves, then for the reader. I do it the other way around.
TS: When did you write your first book or poem and how old were you?
PL: My first serious efforts were in high school under the tutelage of Brother Philip Keavney. He would challenge us to write 500-word essays on the difference between ‘consciousness’ and ‘awareness’ or ‘being’ and ‘existence’. Heady stuff for a 15 year-old. I still use the same disciplines when writing today. Be interesting, cover the bases fairly, try to close with a memorable line.
TS: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
PL: I became addicted to exercise, though I don’t truly like it. I love to read just about anything. Right now I’m reading Thomas Jefferson’s collected essays. Before that, Stephen King’s “Dark Tower”. The most important thing is that there are cookies nearby- shortbread Girl Scout cookies, when I can get them.
TS: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your writings?
PL: I write almost exclusively out of anger and outrage, then disguise it with humor, so people don’t think I’m crazy. People often comment that I’m always smiling and good-natured. They will be surprised to read this.
TS: The Tri Cube in mathematical terms is 3x3x3. What exactly does that mean?
PL: I created this form to limit myself, primarily. I allow myself three stanzas, three lines per stanza and three syllables per line to get it done, so three ‘cubed’.
TS: Do you hear from your readers much? What do they say?
PL: Readers think that I am mostly funny, perhaps clever. Which is frustrating.
TS: What do you think makes a good story / poem?
PL: Freshness of subject and imagery. If the subject is love, sex or nature- the imagery better be extraordinary. Not much new under those suns. Also form. Even if it is made up. Form assures a reader that you have a method to your madness and that you didn’t just end because you ran out of ink and paper. My pet peeve these days, are poets who structure their perfectly good poems vertically instead of horizontally, for no apparent reason. I am more likely to enjoy a 10-line, 10-syllable poem than a 50-line poem with two syllables per line.
TS: What is your favorite book & movie genre?
PL: Epic! Good vs. Evil. Apocalyptic... with humor. Armageddon may not be the best movie ever made, but it is my favorite. Can’t beat “Lord of the Rings” for entertainment and edification.
TS: Can you tell me and your readers a little bit about the CD's “Loose Change” & “Scrapbook”?
PL: They are both chapbook-sized Spoken Word CD's, or put together, a modest full-length book of some 53 poems. About half are TriCubes. What they have in common, I suppose, is my fascination with random moments, snapshots, if you will, of events that, in retrospect, were far more important than they seemed at the time.
TS: Where do you get your ideas for your writings? What is your inspiration?
PL: Reading different subject matter simultaneously. It all gets swooshed around in my noggin, along with what other people are thinking and saying, until I feel obliged to respond. Cooking times may vary...
TS: As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
PL: President of the United States. I remember reading the biographies of our statesmen in first and second grade and thinking, the trajectory of human history is what it is because they lived. Not quite in those words but...Closest thing to immortality there is, as far as I know.
TS: Thank you so much for the interview Phillip! It was a pleasure for me to interview you, I think the reader of this blog will not see it in a different way! Its really entertaining! ;) I wish you all the best for the future and happiness for your life!
Loose Change

Phillip distribute this CD "Loose Change" directly for $4.99 (includes shipping in the U.S.). Contact [email protected] to order.

Phillip distribute this CD "Scrapbook" directly for $4.99 (includes shipping in the U.S.). Contact [email protected] to order.